A cat with a truly one-of-a-kind appearance is sparking confusion and sympathy after being mistakenly thought to have a severe skin condition. This oddball kitty, with patches of missing fur, was misjudged by many as suffering from hair loss caused by a skin disease.
Bastille Post reported that a pet owner from China recently shared a video on Douyin—China’s version of TikTok—showing off their unusual-looking feline.
In the video, the cat’s face is almost entirely hairless, with fur running from the top of its head down its back. However, it also has bald patches around its rear, giving it a quirky and distinct appearance.
As viewers watched the video, many jumped to conclusions, mistakenly assuming that the cat had a severe skin issue. Some even wondered if the owner might be neglecting the cat.
The owner quickly clarified, “The cat is actually healthy. There’s no skin disease here, but the cat does have a unique origin story.”
The secret behind the cat’s unusual look? It all comes down to its parents.
This cat was born to a hairless Sphynx and a Chinese tabby, the Dragon Li.

When a hairless cat and a fluffy one fall in love, their offspring are bound to be one of a kind.
The internet’s reaction has been pure gold. Comments on the video ranged from “I thought it was Photoshop!” to “That’s one unfortunate family resemblance” and even “I’ve never seen a cat quite like this before.” Many netizens sympathized with the owner, understanding how frustrating it must be to have their pet’s appearance misunderstood.

This isn’t the first time a cat’s striking look has caused a stir. Back in 2022, another pet owner faced accusations of animal abuse because of their cat’s natural glasses fur pattern.
The cat had black fur circling its eyes, which made people think the owner had drawn on it with a marker, leading to concerned looks from bystanders.
The frustrated owner just wanted to show off their cat’s cool, unique appearance, but they ended up defending their pet against unfair abuse claims.