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#love (3 Posts)

  • Taiwanese Actress Barbie Hsu Passes Away in Japan, Leaving Heartbroken Family and Friends Taiwanese actress Barbie Hsu tragically passed away from pneumonia during a trip to Japan, leaving family and friends devastated.
  • Actor and Model Kim Tae I Caught Driving Under the Influence in Seoul's Gangnam District Actor and model Kim Tae I was involved in a pedestrian collision while drunk driving in Seoul, causing minor injuries. He has apologized.
  • How to Cherish Your Partner After Intimacy After making love, there are certain things you should do like hugging your partner tightly and having a light conversation. Is there anything more romantic than listening to your partner’s heartbeat while your skins are touching? However, men who become comfortable with their partners often overlook these actions. They either fall asleep immediately due to […]